Thanks! Needed to know that! :) John Josh Whiting wrote: > > $sql = "INSERT INTO $table > > (StudentNumber,Exercise1,Exercise2) values > > ('$StudentNumber','$Exercise1','$Exercise2')"; > > > > mysql_select_db($db,$myconnection); > > mysql_query($sql) or die(print mysql_error()); > > > > your example looks pretty solid, but the code above does not escape the > $StudentNumber, $Exercise1, and $Exercise2 variables. If any of these > variables contain data that when placed into the SQL string interferes > with the SQL itself, you'll have unexpected failures and also a security > hole if untrusted users can populate those variables. The solution is > to wrap any strings or untrusted input like that in a call to > mysql_escape_string(), like so: > > $sql = "INSERT INTO $table > (StudentNumber,Exercise1,Exercise2) values ('". > mysql_escape_string($StudentNumber)."','". > mysql_escape_string($Exercise1)."','". > mysql_escape_string($Exercise2)."')"; -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: