hi i am new to classes and i have a problem with a class i wrote here is the class ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class Company { var $Company_Name; var $Company_Referrer_Table; var $Company_Visitor_Table; var $Company_ID; var $Message; var $File; var $FileName; var $Record_Data; function CompanyInfo (){ $SQL_Query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM company_list WHERE Company_ID = $this->Company_ID"); $Record = mysql_fetch_array($SQL_Query); $this->Company_ID = $Record['Company_ID']; $this->Company_Name = $Record['Company_Name']; $this->Company_Referrer_Table = $Record['Company_Referrer_Table']; $this->Company_Visitor_Table = $Record['Company_Visitor_Table']; return $this->Company_Referrer_Table; return $this->Company_Visitor_Table; } function GenerateUniqueID(){ return md5(uniqid(mt_rand(),TRUE)); } function UploadFile($File) { $this->File = $File; $dst_file_name = $this->GenerateUniqueID(); $arr = split("\.",$this->File['name']); $this->File['name'] = $dst_file_name; $this->File['name'] .= ".".$arr[count($arr)-1]; $dest_dir = 'temp'; $dest = $dest_dir . '/' .$this->File['name']; $r = move_uploaded_file($this->File['tmp_name'], $dest); $this->FileName = $this->File['name']; chmod("temp/".$this->FileName, 777); } function TakeData($File, $Company_ID, $Destination) { $this->Company_ID = $Company_ID; $this->CompanyInfo(); if ($Destination == "Referrer"){ $SQL_Query = "INSERT INTO $this->Company_Referrer_Table ( Record_ID , Record_Data ) VALUES ( '', '$this->Record_Data')"; }elseif ($Destination == "Visitor"){ $SQL_Query = "INSERT INTO $this->Company_Visitor_Table ( Record_ID , Record_Data ) VALUES ( '', '$this->Record_Data')"; } $this->UploadFile($File); $fh = fopen("temp/".$this->FileName, "r"); while (! feof($fh)) : $this->Record_Data = fgets($fh, 4096); mysql_query($SQL_Query)or die("Error In Importing Records To The Database"); endwhile; fclose($fh); $this->Message = "Date Imported Successfully"; return $this->Message; } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the problem occurs when i call the function TakeDate i use this code to call it $Company = new Company(); $File =& $HTTP_POST_FILES['FileToUpload']; $Company->TakeData($File, $Company_ID, $Destination); $Message = $Company->Message; the error i get is "Error In Importing Records To The Database" which i defined as the error of mysql in the function. i checked everything and found that the problem happens because i can't retireve the values of $this->Company_Referrer_Table and $this->Company_Visitor_Table by calling the function CompanyInfo from the function TakeData can anyone advise me with the right way to call the CompanyInfo function from the TakeData and get the values correctly? -- Ahmed Abdel-Aliem Web Developer www.ApexScript.com 0101108551 registered Linux user number 382789 -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php