Hey, I have a form which allows users to enter a message and then submits to a confirmation page which displays the submitted message, and it has a form with a hidden field which uses php to retrieve the message posted from the initial page and posts that message if the user clicks the submit button which confirms that it is correct. However included in the message is a link to a file, and while the message is displayed correctly on the confirmation page, it has trouble putting the message into the hidden field, (some goes in the field and some is printed on the webpage. The code I have used to retrieved the message and store it in the hidden field is: <input name="msg" type="hidden" id="msg" value="<?php echo $_POST['msg'] ?>" > However, when I ran the script all that as stored in the hidden field was: Please use the link below to download my newsletter<br/><a href=\ And on the confirm page where the hidden field is the page had written: Click here to download and view newsletter " > Obviously this has something to do with the quotation marks in the a href statement, however I am new to php and my attempts using addslashes and stripslashes have failed. I would be most grateful if anyone could help me. Cheers, Simon