Thanks for looking, I figured it out, after RTFM for db, I found that I needed to do field=? instead of using VALUES (). Example: $db->query('UPDATE items SET item_name=?, item_desc=?, item_price=?, extraprice=? WHERE item_id = 3', array($_POST['title'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['price'], $_POST['extraprice'])); >I'm trying to update some form data with this db update query and it's >not working, I'm not getting an error either. >$db->query("UPDATE items SET item_name = $_POST[title], item_desc = >$_POST[description], item_price = $_POST[price], extraprice = >$_POST[extraprice] WHERE item_id = 3"); >& >I've tried this: >$db->query("UPDATE items SET (item_name, item_desc, item_price, >extraprice) > VALUES (?,?,?,?) WHERE item_id = 3", > array($_POST['title'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['price'], >$_POST['extraprice'])); -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: