Hello Ashley, Monday, March 14, 2005, 12:12:19 PM, you wrote: A> I need to do a sort on the whole thing in such a way that: A> a) all the Dir#'s are in ascending order, and A> b) all the User#'s are in ascending order with each Dir#, and A> b) all the File#'s are also in ascending order within each User# http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.array-multisort.php It's funny, I was in the exact same boat this morning with regards to generating a sign-in sheet for a class where I had pulled out all the students into a multi-dimensional array and needing to sort them by last name ascending. I was just about to delve into array-multisort when it dawned on me that this would be the perfect opportunity for a table join. So, I learned how to do a MySQL join (my first) a few hours ago. It works great! Much less headache too. $sqlRegisteredStudents="SELECT s.id, s.firstName, s.lastName, s.phone, s.email, s.divisionOrFacility, s.supervisorName " . "FROM " . $tbl_registrations . " r JOIN " . $tbl_students . " s " . "ON r.studentId = s.id " . "WHERE courseId='" . $_POST['courseID'] . "' " . "ORDER BY s.lastName ASC"; -- Leif (TB lists moderator and fellow end user). Using The Bat! Rush under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2 on a Pentium 4 2GHz with 512MB -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php