> POST is not a security measure. I think what's special about POST is > that it is meant to hold a lot more data. With GET there is a limit to > how long the querystring can be. POST also has a (larger) limit. Actually, both *could* be limitless. A server is require to have NO LESS THAN $x for its limit on GET. A server is require to have NO LESS THAN $y for its limit on POST. $y >> $x but it has a (possible) limit. Servers are recommended to have the limits as high as possible. So, again, it boils down to this: POST versus GET is an aesthetic choice, not Security, not Performance. -- Like Music? http://l-i-e.com/artists.htm -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php