I am having problems making proper insert queries against a MS SQL box when using a Linux server. A little background info, I have had this working "correctly" for many months. I am running Fedora Core 1, have compiled php 5.0.3 using the FreeTDS v.0.7 driver to access the MS SQL 2000 DBMS, and like I said, it has been working with out problems for several months now. I tried to update MySQL (which I also use locally on the web server for certain projects), which went fine as well, although after that every insert query I made against the MS SQL server returned a failed status EVEN THOUGH the inserts were ACTUALLY made. I have seen posts to the PHP site with users of php v.4.x.x complaining about this problem, and so far no answers on what to do to fix the problem(s). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! --Bryan -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php