I am toying around with the idea of building a very basic script to do a _VERY_ basic index of the network shares at work. Almost all of them are Samba shares but I didn't see any easy way to access them without mounting them all to my servers local file system at some point or another _OR_ by using the packages that come in the samba suite (e.g. smbfind, smbtree, etc). I was wondering if anyone knew of a samba stream wrapper out there or if anyone has been working on one. I'm not even sure this is a practical solution since I don't know a tremendous amount of information about samba its self, but I would like to be able to access them as such:
$res = fopen("smb://username:password@workgroup/myserver/myshare/");
or at least something similar to that. For a more detailed idea of what I'm talking about please see and thanks for any help or direction you can send me!
-Joe Wollard
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