Consider the following: This function --------------------------------------------- function setAttribute( $nodeName, $attributeName, $attributeValue ) { $domElement = $this->DOMDocument->get_elements_by_tagname( $nodeName ); if( $domElement ) { echo 'ObjectData: <pre>' . print_r( $domElement, TRUE ) . '</pre>'; if( method_exists( $domElement, 'set_attribute' )) { $domElement->set_attribute( $attributeName, $attributeValue ); } else { echo 'Method "set_attribute" does not exist...<br>'; echo 'Methods are: <pre>' . print_r( get_class_methods( 'domelement' ), TRUE ) . '</pre>'; } } } // end function setAttribute() --------------------------------------------- Outputs this information --------------------------------------------- ObjectData: Array ( [0] => domelement Object ( [type] => 1 [tagname] => Assured [0] => 43 [1] => 24736120 ) ) Method "set_attribute" does not exist... Methods are: Array ( [0] => domelement [1] => name [2] => tagname [3] => get_attribute [4] => set_attribute [5] => remove_attribute [6] => get_attribute_node [7] => get_elements_by_tagname [8] => has_attribute [9] => domnode [10] => node_name [11] => node_type [12] => node_value [13] => first_child [14] => last_child [15] => children [16] => child_nodes [17] => previous_sibling [18] => next_sibling [19] => has_child_nodes [20] => parent [21] => parent_node [22] => insert_before [23] => append_child [24] => remove_child [25] => replace_child [26] => owner_document [27] => new_child [28] => attributes [29] => has_attributes [30] => prefix [31] => namespace_uri [32] => clone_node [33] => add_namespace [34] => set_namespace [35] => add_child [36] => append_sibling [37] => node [38] => unlink [39] => unlink_node [40] => replace_node [41] => set_content [42] => get_content [43] => text_concat [44] => set_name [45] => is_blank_node [46] => dump_node )---------------------------------------------Why? What's going on? If the variable is showing as a 'domelement object' why am I getting the message saying that the method does not exist? When it clearly shows up below in the list of all the methods for the domelement class? thnx, Chris -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: