Ben Edwards wrote:
I have been implementing a system on a different ISP than I normally use
and have got:-
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: cal_days_in_month()
in /home/hosted/
on line 134
I found a reference to this an the web and it seems PHP is not compiled
with calender support.
"recompile php with the "--enable-calendar" option."
Cant see being able to get the to re-compile PHP so I guess I am going
to have to disable the feature. I seem to remember a while ago seeing a
function to test weather a function exists in PHP. That way I can have
the relevant validation skipped if the function is missing (I will tell
the client if they get decent hosting it will start working).
So something like
function_exists( cal_days_in_month() )
oi Ben nice guess mate ;-) only function_exists() take a string as a arg:
if (function_exists('cal_days_in_month')) { /*.. */ }
Anyone know what the function is called.
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