I have a shell script for ading users to LDAP. It looks like this:
#!/bin/bash MUID=userlogin FULLNAME="First Last" LASTNAME="Last" DOMAIN=example.org SERVER=qmail.example.org PASS=userpass cat > .ldif.tmp.$MUID << EOF dn: uid=$MUID,ou=accounts,dc=example,dc=org cn: $FULLNAME sn: $LASTNAME objectclass: top objectclass: person objectclass: inetOrgPerson objectclass: qmailUser mail: $MUID@$DOMAIN mailhost: $DOMAIN mailMessageStore: /var/qmail/maildirs/$MUID/Maildir userPassword: $PASS uid: $MUID accountStatus: enabled EOF ldapadd -x -v -w secret -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=org" \ -f .ldif.tmp.$MUID rm .ldif.tmp.$MUID
How Can I run (trigger) this script from PHP so I could create web form for adding users.
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