Gerard Samuel wrote:
If you have php installed with the dba extension, and have access to NFS,
could you try out the code below, to see if it works for you.
Doesn't matter what OS you're using (as long as the OS professes its
of locking over NFS).
Im currently using FreeBSD 5.3 (server & client), with NFS & the lockd
daemon running.
Dummy code ->
var_dump(dba_open('/path/to/nfs_mount/foo.dat', 'c', 'gdbm'));die;
Gives me ->
Warning: dba_open(/path/to/nfs_mount/foo.dat,c) [function.dba-open]:
Driver initialization failed for handler: gdbm: Can't be writer in
/usr/home/gsam/www/index.php on line 2
It creates the file, but Im guessing that its unable to get a lock on it.
Im trying to figure out who is to blame for the failure.
Well I figured out who is to blame for the failure.
The man in the mirror :(
I didn't have lockd running on the client box.
But now it is working correctly, so there is no need to run the test.
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