Re: Re: Error loading extension dlls in WindosXP for PHP4.3.10

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Ranjan K. Baisak wrote:

--- Lester Caine <lester@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Apache does not use the php modules!
There is no need to copy them to WINDOWS/System32
Apache is only complaining because PHP will not
Where have you actually got php.ini? the default is
in c:\Windows

Well php.ini file is in c:\windows directory. If I am not copying all dlls to c:\windows\system32 directory then duirng Apache service startup, it displays error messages as I have mentioned in my first mail.

OK back up a step. So is PHP4 running if you do not enable the php_xmlrpc module in php.ini?

Apache is only complaining because PHP will not

So should I assume that even of Apache displays error messages but actually all dlls are loaded and I can use them in my php files?

I have seen some strange errors when things that a module relies on to run are not available. If I don't have the firebird client installed, php_interbase fails to load, and PHP will not start. I wonder if that has something to do with it?

I'm on PHP5 now myself, and so that fixed a number if niggles which I had with PHP4, so hopefully someone will wake up soon and provide the real answer to the problem ;)

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services

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