You're wrong. The include() and require() statements are only evaluated when they are reached in your application code, so there is a big difference between your two examples. In you use the second example the code will only be included by PHP if the application logic enters the case statement that contains the include() statement. Here's a quick example to demonstrate this:Correct me if I am wrong, but includes (and/or requires) will get all of the code in all of the cases regardless if the case is being processed.
That was what I thought also. However just to add to the confusion: I think require'd files were evaluated no matter what back in PHP4. Even if they were part of a conditional. At least that's my recollection of it; I haven't used PHP4 since 4.3.2 ;)
Bottom line: I always require_once at the top of a file for any files that I will require. No sense in doing anything else if the required files aren't there. For conditionally including files include_once() has always made the most sense to me.
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