My single biggest beef with PHP is the fact that it silently fails when I use a variable that has never been declared. Like if($sumbit) will always be false because the variable was really named $submit. My only clue that this is happening is whe the program fails to work as intended and I waste lots of time trying to find out why the block never executes. Or if you forget to use $this->var and you just use $var. I just had that happen to me too. Wasted another 30 min. Is there any way at all to control this? I went into my PHP.ini file, but my errors are set to E_ALL & E_STRICT which seems to be the highest level I can set. If not I think we should seriously push for E_STRICT warnings if a variable is used without every being assigned to. Happy New Year All -Dan -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: