John Holmes wrote:
Robin Getz wrote:
I have a file named /www/projects which is a php script.
When I type the url:
I want variable passed to the script "projects"
I have the the http.conf set up as:
<Files projects>
SetInputFilter PHP
SetOutputFilter PHP
AcceptPathInfo On
Which used to work with apache 2.0.40 and php 4.2.3 - but what happens
now, is I actually get passed the php script back as text to the browser.
All of the methods I've seen in the past used a "Forcetype" directive
<Files projects>
ForceType application/x-httpd-php
Is this SetInputFilter and SetOutputFilter the Apache2 equivilent of the
Forcetype or another way of doing it? Have you tried Forcetype?
I looked it up before posting ...
According to the 2.0.xx online docs, ForceType should work just fine:
Mark C.
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