Below is a simple php file that recieves input from a form html file. The php file outputs the first and last name, but their is no space between the names. Does anyone know how I can get a space between name in the php file?
As a minimum this will work:
print("<p>"$fusername." ".$lusername."</p>");
But it's a better idea to do something like this (assuming your form on the preceding page is like the following):
<form name="yourform" action="yourscript.php" method="post">
You'd want to do this in yourscript.php:
// Remove any tags from all $_POSTed variables to avoid xss problems foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { $_POST[$key]=strip_tags($value); }
print("<p>".$_POST['fusername']." ".$_POST['lusername']."</p>");
- Ben
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