> Sorry for not been clear. The snippet of html is code I am getting > dynamically using curl from another website. I want to then convert that > html code into a url like > http://www.somewebsite.co.uk/Availability?NUM_OF_ADTS=1&CABIN=E&B1_DAY=27. you need something to parse the html, I found this: http://php-html.sourceforge.net/ and here is a quick script to try: include ("htmlparser.inc"); $htmlText = '<form action="http://www.somewebsite.co.uk/Availability.cgi" method="POST" name="flightsForm" id="flightsForm"> <input type="hidden" name="NUM_OF_ADTS" value="1"/> <input type="hidden" name="CABIN" value="E"/> <input type="hidden" name="B1_DAY" value="27"/> </form>'; $parser = new HtmlParser ($htmlText); while ($parser->parse()) { // Data you can use here: // // $parser->iNodeType // $parser->iNodeName // $parser->iNodeValue // $parser->iNodeAttributes if ($parser->iNodeType == NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT) { $tmp = $parser->iNodeAttributes; if($parser->iNodeName == 'form') { $url = $tmp['action']; } elseif($parser->iNodeName == 'input') { $qs[$tmp['name']] = $tmp['value']; } } } $tmp = array(); foreach($qs as $key => $value) { print "$key => $value <br />"; $tmp[] = $key.'='.urlencode($value); } $url .= '?'.implode('&',$tmp); print 'url='.$url; -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php