I really need help to solve this problem. Help me to solve, please do not say to ask someone else. My problem is i have .txt file size of 3-5 kb with long rows. I have a mysql table and a column type of longtext, name "html". What I have to do is: I have to open .txt and read inside and insert the content to "html". My purpose is this but the problem is: I easily upload .txt to server, and read inside, BUT i can not enter it's content to "html". I followed the program up to mysql query row its working correctly but when i write mysql_query("INSERT INTO abc (col1,col2,html) VALUES ('$col1','$col2','$file_contents')") or die("ERROR!"); it dies and give error. My observations: I put $file_contents instead of ERROR! message i saw the content, i set the type of "html" column to longblob, nothing changed: ERROR!, i made another .php file which uses a form, i copied .txt's content manually into <textarea>, it succesfully inserted. Then i made 3 steps program; i uploaded .txt in first step then in second step i inserted the content to a <textarea> as it's value and at the third step i tried to add to mysql, message was: ERROR! again. I tought it may be because of touching the <textarea>'s content and i clicked <textarea> and pressed SPACE BAR :) really but of course nothing changed. One more thing i tried to insert by mysql_query("UPDATE abc SET html='$file_contents' WHERE col1='$col1' and col2='$col2'"); but still it answered "I can not enter this variable to "html"". When i delete the long rows it achieves but i need them and i need to this automatically by selecting the file and inserting to mysql. Please please help me if you can. Below i've added the codes of program. I will go insane if i can not solve it. I am thinking about learning Perl to do that. Thank you very much... <?php $html="<html> <head> <title>HTML document</title> <style>input,textarea,td {font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;border:1px #2D7BA2 solid;background:#BECCE7} </style> </head> <body> <form action='admin.php' method='POST' ENCTYPE='multipart/form-data'> <table align='Center'> <tr> <td>Marka:</td> <td><input name='alan1' type='Text' size=30 value='$alan1'></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Ürün Grubu:</td> <td><input name='alan2' type='Text' size=30 value='$alan2'></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Alt Ürün Grubu:</td> <td><input name='alan3' type='Text' size=30 value='$alan3'></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Resmin türü:</td> <td><input name='tur' type='Radio' value='jpg' checked>JPG <input name='tur' type='Radio' value='gif'>GIF</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dosya:</td> <td><input name='file' type='File'></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 align='Center'><input type='Submit' value='Yolla'></td> </tr> </table> </form> "; if(empty($HTTP_POST_VARS)){echo $html;} else { $absolute_path = "../beyazesya/Del"; $size_limit = "var"; $limit_size = "150000"; $limit_ext = "var"; $ext_count = "2"; $extensions = array(".jpg", ".gif"); $geri = "<br><br><a href='#' onclick='javascript:history.go(-1)'>Geri</a>"; $endresult = 'DOSYA BAÞARIYLA GÖNDERÝLDÝ..'; if ($file_name == "") { $endresult='DOSYA SEÇMEDÝNÝZ.. $geri'; }else{ if (($size_limit == "var") && ($limit_size < $file_size)) { $endresult = 'DOSYA ÇOK BÜYÜK, EN FAZLA 150KB OLABÝLÝR $geri'; } else { $ext = strrchr($file_name,'.'); if (($limit_ext == "var") && (!in_array($ext,$extensions))) { $endresult = 'DOSYA TÜRÜ YALNIZCA .ZIP VEYA .RAR OLABÝLÝR.. $geri'; }else{ $actt=@copy($file, "$absolute_path/file.txt") or die("DOSYA KOPYALANAMADI.. $geri"); $dosyam="../beyazesya/Del/file.txt"; $fp=fopen($dosyam,"r") or die("Cant open file"); while(!feof($fp)){ $buf = fgets($fp,8192); $buffer=$buffer.$buf; } $buffer=eregi_replace("\t","",$buffer); $buffer=trim($buffer); $f_a=$file_name; $model=str_replace(".txt","",$f_a); $resim="$model.$tur"; mysql_connect("xxx","yyy","zzz"); mysql_select_db("aaa"); $bb=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM beyaz WHERE alan1='$alan1' AND alan2='$alan2' AND alan3='$alan3' AND model='$model'"); $say_bb=mysql_num_rows($bb); if($say_bb<1) { $b=mysql_query("INSERT INTO beyaz (alan1,alan2,alan3,resim,model,html) VALUES ('$alan1','$alan2','$alan3','$resim','$model','$buffer')") or die("ERROR!"); if($b) {echo "$html"; $yazili=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM beyaz WHERE alan1='$alan1' AND alan2='$alan2' AND alan3='$alan3'"); echo "<table align=center><tr><td>"; $top_yaz=mysql_num_rows($yazili); echo "Toplam: <b>$top_yaz</b><hr>"; while($read=mysql_fetch_row($yazili)) { echo "$read[4]<br>"; } echo "</td></tr></table>"; }} else echo "(this record is done before)"; fclose ($fp); unlink("../beyazesya/Del/file.txt"); $buffer=0; }}}} ?> </body> </html> __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Send holiday email and support a worthy cause. Do good. http://celebrity.mail.yahoo.com -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php