Re: Re: create htaccess.

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* Adwinwijaya <adwinwijaya@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Monday, December 6, 2004, 11:33:28 AM, you wrote:
> MWOP> In you .htaccess:
> MWOP>     <File index>
> MWOP>         ForceType application/x-httpd-php
> MWOP>     </File>
> MWOP>     DirectoryIndex index
> MWOP> Then, in your script, you'll need to access the PATH_INFO environment
> MWOP> variable via the $_SERVER array to parse out the argument(s):
> MWOP>     $pi   = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; // Grab PATH_INFO
> MWOP>     $pi   = substr($pi, 1);        // Remove the opening slash
> MWOP>     $args = split('/', $pi);       // Create array of arguments
> MWOP>     $f    = $args[0];              // Grab first argument
> I just want to clarify,
> if I type:
> means: right ?
> :)
> and i have to put this script on my article.php, is it right ?

A couple things:

'article.php' will have to become just 'article' for the above to work
(unless you can do rewriting, but you indicated that you don't have
access to your httpd.conf file). The directions for doing that are
above; just substitute 'article' for 'index' in the <File index> area.

Second, you have to map the placement of each argument in the PATH_INFO
to a variable. So, based on the url you just provided, you'd do
something like this:

    $pi   = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; // Grab PATH_INFO; this will look
                                   // like /file/XXX/year/XXXX based on
                                   // your example above
    $pi   = substr($pi, 1);        // Remove the opening slash
    $args = split('/', $pi);       // Create array of arguments

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($args); $i + 2) {
        $key = $args[$i];       // Grab variable name from even-keyed
                                // arguments
        $val = $args[$i + 1];   // Grab value from odd arguments
        $$key = $val;           // Use dynamic variable assignment

Basically, with PATH_INFO, YOU have to do the work of determining where
items in the url map to variables for your script.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney           | mailto:matthew@xxxxxxxxxx
Webmaster and IT Specialist       |
National Gardening Association    |
802-863-5251 x156                 |

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