I am having a problem with the code below it provides the first page with out any problem but when I select the next page it shows all the results from the first page and the results from the second page. It does the same thing on the third page also. I have been looking at it for two days and can not fined the error in the code <?php include("include/common.php"); include("$config[template_path]/user_top.html"); // If current page number, use it // if not, set one! if(!isset($page)){ $page = 1; } else { $page = $page; } // Define the number of results per page $max_results = $config['listings_per_page']; // Figure out the limit for the query based // on the current page number. $from = (($page * $max_results) - $max_results); //Process all the search results to create the sql if($searchRule == "or"){ $cond = "OR"; } else $cond = "and"; //the main sql statment $sql = 'SELECT * FROM listing '; //the sql statment required to set the total number of pages $sql1 = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as Num FROM listing '; if($state != "" || $type != "" || $county != "" || $price != ""){ $sql .= "WHERE "; $sql1 .= "WHERE "; if($state != ""){ $sql .= "state = '". $state ."'"; $sql1 .= "state = '". $state ."'"; if($state != "" || $type != "" || $county != "" || $price != ""){ $sql .= " $cond "; $sql1 .= " $cond "; } } if($type != ""){ $sql .= "type = '". $type ."'"; $sql1 .= "type = '". $type ."'"; if($state != "" || $type != "" || $county != "" || $price != "") { $sql .= " $cond "; $sql1 .= " $cond "; } } if($county != ""){ $sql .= "county = '". $county ."'"; $sql1 .= "county = '". $county ."'"; if($state != "" || $type != "" || $county != "" || $price != ""){ $sql .= " $cond "; $sql1 .= " $cond "; } } if($Pricerange != ""){ if($Pricerange=="range1"){ $Price1="00000"; $Price2="100000"; $simbale="<="; $sql .= "price <= '". $Price2."'"; $sql1 .= "price <= '". $Price2."'"; } if($Pricerange=="range2"){ $Price1="100000"; $Price2="150000"; $sql .= "(price > '". $Price1."' OR price <= '". $Price2."')"; $sql1 .= "(price > '". $Price1."' OR price <= '". $Price2."')"; } if($Pricerange=="range3"){ $Price1="150000"; $Price2="200000"; $sql .= "(price > '". $Price1."' OR price <= '". $Price2."')"; $sql1 .= "(price > '". $Price1."' OR price <= '". $Price2."')"; } if($Pricerange=="range4") {$Price1="200000"; $Price2="250000"; $sql .= "(price > '". $Price1."' OR price <= '". $Price2."')"; $sql1 .= "(price > '". $Price1."' OR price <= '". $Price2."')"; } if($Pricerange=="range5") {$Price1="250000"; $Price2="300000"; $sql .= "(price > '". $Price1."' OR price <= '". $Price2."')"; $sql1 .= "(price > '". $Price1."' OR price <= '". $Price2."')"; } if($Pricerange=="range6") {$Price1="300000"; $Price2=""; $sql .= "price >= '". $Price1."'"; $sql1 .= "price >= '". $Price1."'"; }} $sql .= " LIMIT " . $from . "," . $max_results; } $result=safe_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ extract($row); ?> <div align="center"> <table border="0" width="631" height="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="81" height="1" bgcolor="#60A0F8"><font color="#FFFFFF"><span class="contentsmall">Listing</span><span class="contentbold"> #<? echo$listingId?></span></font><img hspace="0" src="images/user_photos/thumb_5000_1.jpg" border="0" width="83" height="50"><br> </td> <center> <td width="401" height="1"><textarea cols="45" rows="6"><? echo$descr1?></textarea> <br> <a href="more_results.php?listingId=<? echo$listingId?>&searchlistingid=yes"> more info...</a></td> <td width="127" height="1"><span class="contentbold">$<? echo$price?></span><br> <?if ($type=="") {}?> <?if ($type=="BUS") {echo 'Business Opportunities';}?> <?if ($type=="COM") {echo 'Commercial';}?> <?if ($type=="CON") {echo 'Condo/Townhouse';}?> <?if ($type=="DUP") {echo 'Duplex';}?> <?if ($type=="FAR") {echo 'Farms & Ranches';}?> <?if ($type=="INC") {echo 'Income Properties';}?> <?if ($type=="LAK") {echo 'Lake Properties/Waterfront';}?> <?if ($type=="MOB") {echo 'Mobile Home';}?> <?if ($type=="RES") {echo 'Residential';}?> <?if ($type=="TIM") {echo 'Time Share';}?> <?if ($type=="VAC") {echo 'Vacant Land';}?> <br> <? echo$bedrooms?> BR / <? echo$bathrooms?> BA<br> <? echo$city?>, <? echo$state?></td> </tr> </table> <?} $total_results = mysql_result(mysql_query($sql1),0); // Figure out the total number of pages. Always round up using ceil() $total_pages = ceil($total_results / $max_results); // Build Page Number Hyperlinks echo "<center>Select a Page<br />"; // Build Previous Link if($page > 1){ $prev = ($page - 1); echo "<a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."?page=$prev\"><<Previous</a> "; } for($i = 1; $i <= $total_pages; $i++){ if(($page) == $i){ echo "$i "; } else { echo "<a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."?page=$i\">$i</a> "; } } // Build Next Link if($page < $total_pages){ $next = ($page + 1); echo "<a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."?page=$next\">Next>></a>"; } echo "</center>"; include("$config[template_path]/user_bottom.html"); ?> -- Best regards, Richard mailto:rdkurth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php