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What is the proper way to build a dynamic subquery ?

I want to allow the user to use AND, OR, and NOT in his/her query
like $query = "Hola AND Adios, OR  Goodbye, NOT hello"
WHERE (greeting LIKE %Hola% AND greeting LIKE %Adios%) OR (greeting LIKE
%Goodbye%) AND (greeting NOT LIKE %hello%)

I am a bit new at this so any help would be appretiated :)

My Guess:
AND,OR,NOT,'+', and '-' would be extracted from query and put into an array.
So all the operators become $wordOperator[ ]
'hola' : $wordOperator[0] = "AND"
'Adios': $wordOperator[1] = "AND"
'greeting' : $wordOperator[2] = "OR"
'hello' : $wordOperator[3] = "NOT"

// My script in its current state

$query = "Hola Adios" //taken from a GET request

//parse by a space
$searchwords = explode(" ",$query);

$x = 1;
$operator = "AND";
$not_search_word = array('if', 'for', 'in', 'on','and','with');

//taken from a GET request
$searchwords = explode(" ",$query);

foreach ($searchwords as $word) {

   if (!in_array($word,$not_search_word)){  //relevant search term only

   //if we are on the first word...format subquery like this
   if ($x == 1){

         $sql .= ' AND(media.'.$language.' Like "%'.$word.'%"';
         $sql .= ' OR artist.'.$language.' Like "%'.$word.'%"';
         $sql .= ' OR Like "%'.$word.'%")';
         $x++ ;

//formatting for everything past 1st word

$sql .= ' '.$operator.'(media.'.$language.' Like "%'.$word.'%"';
$sql .= ' OR artist.'.$language.' Like "%'.$word.'%"';
$sql .= ' OR Like "%'.$word.'%")';
$sql .= ' ORDER BY ASC,';
$sql .= ' media.'.$language.' ASC LIMIT 0,60';

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