rsw@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
U means it'll become UNgreedy (means it ends at the first occurence instead of the last),preg_match_all('#\[LEVEL([0-9])\](.*)\[/LEVEL[0-9]]#Uim', $content,
You make it look so easy, thanks! That takes care of step one, but how do I make it so everything in $content where there is a level set, is replaced with ###LEVEL?###
Does #Uim tell it to only get the first [/LEVEL1] rather than going to the bottom and getting the second? I've always wondered how to tell it to get the first, rather than the last...
Thanks in advance!
m means multiline, so . also matches \n and \r chars.
i means it's case-INsensitive. Which I thought was just useful ;)
print_r($matches) will show what comes out exactly how. Then at some point you'll probably be able to echo something like echo '###LEVEL'.$matches[1][$i].'###';
where $i would be the part you're echoing from.
Anyway, it'll be SOMETHING like that. I tend to always print_r the results first, and then write more code based on the result.
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