Marek Kilimajer wrote:
hmm... true... forgot about the tokens ;)M. Sokolewicz wrote:
Marek Kilimajer wrote:
Ryan A wrote:
Hey all, Heres my problem, I have this written in "email.fff" ############# Start file ########## Hi $firstname $lastname, We have recieved your request for support.
We will get back to you shortly. Regards, $sitename
P.S below is the message you submitted: $message ############# End file ##########
Question is:
How can I get the file in my php script and fill in those variables then
send the above email message.
I know how to open a file via fread/file I now how to do the mail() etc...
Just a little confused....
Don't execute it, it's expensive. Simply read the file in a string and replace all occurences that you need:
$s = str_replace( array('$firstname', '$lastname', '$sitename', '$message'), array($firstname, $lastname, $sitename, $message), $s);
actually, as far as I see, that should be equally expensive as eval()'ing it :)
eval has to look for more tokens and is less secure.
as for the security. As long as its local and your in control of the message, it'll be safe enough.
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