Ave, I've found part of the problem... But I have no clue why it is happening and what is the solution for it. On any windows machine, when the user clicks the "OPEN" option from the Save Dialog box, this is the kind of error that generates: Error: The file could not be located at c:\documents and settings\user\local settings\temporary internet files folders\Content.IE5\KJHFGSYS\nameofthefile.txt By default I know that Internet Explorer saves a file being opening from the browser, into the temporary files folder, and then it opens the file from that location. What is happening is... Somehow the file is NOT being saved in that location where the browser usually saves it temporarily.. And thus the file cannot be opened by choosing the "OPEN" option from the Dialog Box. Anyone knows why? Or what is the solution. Thanks, Rahul S. Johari From: "Rahul S. Johari" <rjohari@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 11:49:04 -0500 To: "php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Strange Download-File Problem Ave, I created a multi-user File Management program written in PHP with mySQL backend. Basically it allows registered users to upload files to their or other users accounts, and allows them to download files. I use the force-download for my download process. Here's the problem. When someone clicks on the download link for a file, the Save Dialog box opens, giving user the choice to either "OPEN" the file or "SAVE" the file to a particular location. The problem is.. If you SAVE the file to any location.. It works fine. You can go and open the file from that location. However, if you choose "Open" from the Dialog Box... The associated application for the file type does open.. But the file doesn't open.. It gives an error. Why is that? Here's the Download Script I use (imsafm2_download.php): <?php session_start(); ?> <?php header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($F)); @readfile($F); ?> And here's the php code for the link which downloads the file: <a href=\"imsafm2_download.php?F=imsafm/$showfilesuser/$myrow[filename]\"><img src=b_newtbl.png border=0></a> Any help appreciated. Rahul S. Johari -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php