Richard Davey wrote:
Hello Pablo,
Thursday, December 2, 2004, 3:12:09 PM, you wrote:
PDM> I´m receiving this: "house , ball , door , roof , floor"
PDM> And I want to obtain this: "'house','ball','door','roof','floor'"
PDM> Maybe, I should use implode or explode, but I just can´t figure out how..
PDM> Help?
$parts = explode(',', $original);
$parts = array_map('trim', $parts);
$new = "'".implode("','", $parts)."'";
You could explode it, loop it, etc etc - but if the data always
follows that format and is trust-worthy, the following is probably
$old_data = "house,ball,door,roof,floor";
$data = "'" . str_replace("," , "','" , $old_data) . "'";
At least, I can't see why this won't work :)
If your data has all those extra spaces in, then just amend the
str_replace accordingly.
Best regards,
Richard Davey
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