Problem with recursion and FTP transfer

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Hi all
I have create a script for FTP function.
When i have testing the script with little file and directory it's ok
The script read data in all folder with recursive function and the same path of data
like C:\backup\folder1\file.txt is the same on remolte folder /httpdcos/folder1/file.txt
The problem is that when i testing the script with MB of files
the recursion is much more speed of transfer of a single file and a
file is copied to a path that is not the same of local folder.
How to fix the problem ?
Sorry for my bad language


#Mode transfer data
$mode = FTP_ASCII;
#The base path of remote directory
$remote_folder = "/httpdocs";
#Include data for the connection to the FTP server

function ftp_connection() {

  global $user, $pasw, $ftp_server;

  $conn = @ftp_connect($ftp_server);
  $login = @ftp_login($conn, $user, $pasw);

  if((!$conn)||(!$login)) {
     die("Cannot open connect with $ftp_server\n");
  else {
     return $conn;

$conn = ftp_connection();
if(!(@ftp_chdir($conn, $remote_folder)))
        die("Cannot to change data folder\n");

function recursive_dir($dir){

#Get ID connect ftp_mode and global $mode, $conn, $remote_folder; #Open resource to read data if (!($handle = @opendir($dir))) die("Cannot open datadir\n"); #Read data from local folder $default_dir while(false !==($item = @readdir($handle))){

        if (is_dir($dir."/".$item)) {
            #Erase al "." and ".." to content of $item
            if ($item != "." && $item != ".."){
               #Make directory on remote Server
               if (!(@ftp_mkdir($conn, $item)))
                        die("Cannot possible mkdir $item\n");
               #Get current directory for current session
               $pwd = @ftp_pwd($conn);
               if(!$pwd) die("Cannot get current Work Directory\n");

if(!(@ftp_chdir($conn, $pwd."/".$item)))
die("Cannot change directory:".$pwd."/".$item."\n");

#Call recursive dir to
if(!(@ftp_chdir($conn, $remote_folder)))
die("Cannot change directory to $remote_folder");
}//End for first check of $item: if is_dir($item)
else {
$fp = @fopen($dir."/".$item, "r");
$pwd = @ftp_pwd($conn);
//echo $pwd."\n";
if(@ftp_fput($conn, $item, $fp, $mode)){
//print $dir."\\".$item."\n";
}//End for if uploaded file
}//End for else

}//End for recursive function

#Called to recursive function
#Close the connect to FTP Data

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