<?php // variables para capturar desde la orderform $tireqty = $HTTP_GET_VARS['tireqty']; $oilqty = $HTTP_GET_VARS['oilqty']; $sparkqty = $HTTP_GET_VARS['sparkqty']; ?>
</snip> <snip>
I am sure that this code works because I tried it on a server who is running php 4.0, I know that in php 5.0.2, I can use $_POST and $_GET instead of $HTTP_GET_VARS or $HTTP_POST_VARS. But, I have tried them and they are not working. So, I hope you can help me to fix it, because I really want to learn how to program with PHP.
Best Regards,
Hello Jose,
You may have already tried this, but have you checked your php.ini file to see if you have
register_globals = Off
If you don't, change it to 'Off', and try your code again.
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