Four spaces are used by a lot of open source projects, including Apache and PHP, so I've been trying to convert, myself. In general, spaces just make it easier to do multi-line formatting with exact precision, like this: if ($foo || $bar || $boo) { ... } If this statement was also nested, you can see where tabs might become a problem. With tabs, you can always make a habit of indenting any extra lines one more tab than the original, but that doesn't always line up so nicely (e.g., $bar may or may not be directly below $foo). You can also simply repeat the same number of tabs then switch to spaces for the alignment: <tab><tab>if ($foo || <tab><tab><space><space><space><space>$bar || <tab><tab><space><space><space><space>$boo)) <tab><tab>{ But that just gets ugly. :-) If you ever have a difference of more than a single tab, the alignment can look radically different, so this should never be used, even if it makes things look nice with your personal tab settings. In general, any formatting that depends upon tab settings is going to look really ugly somewhere. Tabs are convenient, because they're a single character. You can backspace to quickly remove an indentation, and a single keystroke can be used to add an indentation. However, I've learned that a few simple editor settings combined with some adjustments to my editing habits can overcome these slight inconveniences. When I hit the tab key, four spaces appear, and I can use vertical selections to unindent things quickly regardless of whether the indentations use spaces or tabs. I bet some people have their editors configured to remove four spaces when you backspace, assuming the four characters to the left of the cursor are all spaces. If anyone has done this for vim, please share. :-) Anyway, those are some random thoughts from someone in the middle of converting from tabs to spaces. I've basically decided to switch for two reasons: improved precision over formatting and consistency with other major open source projects. This doesn't mean spaces are best for everyone, but that's my reasoning. Chris ===== Chris Shiflett - PHP Security - O'Reilly HTTP Developer's Handbook - Sams Coming February 2005 -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: