I want to write php script that fill out HTML form online. Any ideas how to do it?
If you want to fill a form *remotely*, that's a little tougher. You'll need cooperation from the server-side code on the site you want to fill the form on. As Matthew noted, the VALUE attribute of an INPUT tag is what you are seeking to modify.
Perhaps POST variables that PHP parses and sets the VALUE attribute to?
Otherwise, if you *won't* have cooperation from the other server's code, it becomes a client-side, userspace app, since it'd be a matter of pretending the user is typing. (Think Mozilla, Gator, et. al.) PHP can do that, but I don't believe that's a solution for you.
-- _ (_)___ Jed Smith, Code Ninja | / __| RFBs: [email for info] | \__ \ +1 (541) 606-4145 _/ |___/ jed@xxxxxx (Signed mail preferred: PGP 0x703F9124) |__/ http://personal.jed.bz/keys/jedsmith.asc
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