Hi guys,
well, I wrote a class for a big project (a framework), and here it is, I was wondering if someone have any suggestions regarding flexibility and security.
Course it uses specific framework classes but it's quite understable..
================================================================== <?php /** * Project: BBBM Framework * File: authentication.class.php * * @desc Main Authentication Class * @link http://www.bbbm.com.br/ * @copyright 2004 Bruno B B Magalhaes * @author Bruno B B Magalhaes <brunomagalhaes@xxxxxxxxxxx> * @package BBBM Framework * @version 0.5dev */ class authentication { var $domain; var $database; var $authenticated = false; var $access_section = ''; var $access_level = '0'; var $post; var $session; var $cookie;
var $userid;
var $username;
var $password;
var $sessionid;
var $remember_me;
var $errormsg;
var $tables = array('users','usersgroups');
* PHP 4 Constructor
function authentication(&$database)
$this->database =& $database;
$this->domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
* Start Authentication Process
function authenticate($access_section='',$access_level=0)
if($access_level > 0)
$this->access_level = $access_level;
$this->access_section = $access_section;
if($this->post == true)
elseif($this->cookie == true)
$this->auth_check($this->username,$this->sessionid,$this- >access_level);
elseif($this->session == true)
$this->auth_check($this->username,$this->sessionid,$this- >access_level);
$this->authenticated = false;
$this->authenticated = true;
/** * Authentication Process */ function auth($username='',$password='',$accesslevel=0) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->database->table['users'].' AS users, '.$this->database->table['usersgroups'].' AS groups WHERE users.userGroup=groups.groupId AND users.userName=\''.$username.'\' AND users.userPassword=\''.$password.'\' AND users.userStatus > \'0\' AND groups.groupStatus > \'0\' LIMIT 1';
if($this->database->num_rows() > 0)
if($this->database->row['groupLevel'] >= $accesslevel)
$this->authenticated = true;
$this->userid = $this->database->row['userId'];
$this->session_write('userlevel',$this->database- >row['groupLevel']);
$update_query = 'UPDATE
userLastvisit = NOW()
$this->database->query($update_query); } else { $this->logout(); $this->authenticated = false; $this->errormsg = 'error_noaccessprivileges'; }
} else { $this->logout(); $this->authenticated = false; $this->errormsg = 'error_unauthorized'; } }
/** * Authentication Check Process */ function auth_check($username='',$sessionid='',$accesslevel=0) { $query = 'SELECT users.userId, groups.groupLevel FROM '.$this->database->table['users'].' AS users, '.$this->database->table['usersgroups'].' AS groups WHERE users.userGroup=groups.groupId AND users.userName=\''.$username.'\' AND users.userSession=\''.$sessionid.'\' AND users.userStatus > \'0\' AND groups.groupStatus > \'0\' LIMIT 1';
if($this->database->num_rows() > 0)
if($this->database->row['groupLevel'] >= $accesslevel)
$this->authenticated = true;
$this->userid = $this->database->row['userId'];
$this->session_write('userlevel',$this->database- >row['groupLevel']);
$update_query = 'UPDATE
userLastvisit = NOW()
$this->authenticated = false;
$this->errormsg = 'error_noaccessprivileges';
} else { $this->logout(); $this->authenticated = false; $this->errormsg = 'error_unauthorized'; } } /** * Logout Process */ function logout() { if(isset($this->session) || isset($this->cookie)) { $update_query = 'UPDATE '.$this->database->table['users'].' SET userSession=\'\' WHERE userName=\''.$this->username.'\' AND userSession\''.$this->sessionid.'\' '; $this->database->query($update_query); if(isset($this->session)) { session_unset(); session_destroy(); } if(isset($this->cookie)) { setcookie('username','',time() - 3600,'/',$this->domain); setcookie('sessionid','',time() - 3600,'/',$this->domain); } } } /** * Session Write Function */ function session_write($var='',$val='') { $_SESSION[$var] = $val; } /** * Cookie Write Function */ function cookie_write($var='',$val='') { setcookie($var,$val,time()+24*3600*7,'/',$this->domain); } /** * Session Check Function */ function check_session() { if(isset($_SESSION)) { $this->sessionid = session_id(); if(isset($_SESSION['username']) & isset($this->sessionid)) { if($_SESSION['username'] !='' & $this->sessionid !='') { $this->session = true; $this->username = addslashes(strip_tags($_SESSION['username'])); $this->remember_me = false; } else { $this->session = false; $this->errormsg = 'error_sessionerror'; } } else { $this->session = false; } } else { $this->session= false; } } /** * Cookie Check Function */ function check_cookie() { if(isset($_COOKIE)) { if(isset($_COOKIE['username']) & isset($_COOKIE['sessionid'])) { if($_COOKIE['username'] !='' & $_COOKIE['sessionid'] !='') { $this->cookie= true; $this->username = addslashes(strip_tags($_COOKIE['username'])); $this->sessionid = addslashes(strip_tags($_COOKIE['sessionid'])); $this->remember_me = true; } else { $this->cookie= false; $this->errormsg = 'error_cookieerror'; } } else { $this->cookie = false; } } else { $this->cookie = false; } } /** * Cookie Check Post */ function check_post() { if(isset($_POST)) { if(isset($_POST['username']) & isset($_POST['password'])) { if($_POST['username'] !='' & $_POST['password'] !='') { $this->post = true; $this->username = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['username'])); $this->password = md5($_POST['password']); if(isset($_POST['rememberme'])) { $this->remember_me = true; } else { $this->remember_me = false; } } else { $this->post = false; $this->errormsg = 'error_unfilledfield'; } } else { $this->post = false; } } else { $this->post = false; } } } ?> ============================================================
Best Regards, Bruno B B Magalhaes
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