why don't you use a very simle sintax like this one:
$code = 'function what() { do oddname; %oddsyntax }';
function highlight_code($code)
$oddsyntax = array('oddsyntax','oddsyntax2','oddsyntax3');
for($i = 0; $i <= count($oddsyntax)-1; $i++)
$highlighted_code = eregi_replace($oddsyntax[$i],'<spam class="highlighted">'.$oddsyntax[$i].'</spam>',$code);
return $code;
echo highlight_code($code);
Regards, Bruno B B Magalhães
On Nov 5, 2004, at 6:39 PM, Aaron Gould wrote:
Could any of you privide some leads in regard to highlighting syntax of an odd language? I have a large amount of snippits of legacy code from our company's primary application. The code used is "BBx" (a variant of Basic).
I'm attempting to show this code on a web page, but with highlighting of keywords and variables/numbers. I've already got a list of the language's 250-odd keywords in a file.
I saw a "Text_Highlighter" PEAR class, but that seems to only do a bunch of predefined popular languages (ie. SQL, PHP, C).
Please don't ruin my Friday afternoon and tell me I'll need to dig into regular expressions..... :)
-- Aaron Gould Parts Canada - Web Developer
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