But, if you can't figure out what is causing the problem, just use $_REQUEST instead of $_POST or $_GET. $_REQUEST doesn't care if the form was submitted via post or get, it holds the values of either type of submission.
Personally, I always like to fix the cause rather than treat the symptom. But there isn't always time in the short term.
On Nov 5, 2004, at 7:25 AM, Aalee wrote:
Hi guys,
Working on PHP ver 4.3.8 with register_globals turned OFF and Apache 1.3.31.
MySQL ver 4.0.20a on winXP pro SP1. This script does not seems to work with
the method of POST. When I change it to GET method the data is entered into
the database, but with POST it does not. I have another script with the POST
method, but that script works with POST. What is wrong with this script.
Here goes the script. What am I doing wrong.
<?php if (isset($_GET['addjoke'])){ ?>
<form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
Type your joke :<br>
<textarea name="jokeText" id="jokeText"></textarea>
<input name="insert" type="submit" id="submit" value="Insert Joke">
<?php } else { // start main else statement if(isset ($_POST['insert'])) { $db = mysql_connect("localhost","homesite","ju4754") ; mysql_select_db("jokes",$db); $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO jokes SET JokeText = '".$_POST['jokeText']."' , JokeDate = CURDATE() "); echo $query; echo " Joke inserted, Thank you <BR><BR>"; echo mysql_error(); } $color1 = "#66CCFF"; $color2 = "#66CC99"; $row_count = 1;
// ---------- Following lines list the jokes in the
database ----------------
echo "<b><H3> These are the jokes we have got so far</H3></B>";
$db = mysql_connect("localhost","homesite","ju4754") or die(mysql_error());
$sql = "SELECT id, JokeText, JokeDate from jokes";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
echo "<table border=1>
<td><b>Joke Text<b></td>
<td><b>Joke Date<b></td></tr>";
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($query))
$row_color = ($row_count % 2) ? $color1 : $color2;
echo"<tr bgcolor = $row_color>".
"<td>". $myrow["id"]."</td>".
"<td>". $myrow["JokeText"]. "</td>".
"<td>". $myrow["JokeDate"]."</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
$current_url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; echo("<P><A HREF=".$current_url."?addjoke=1>" ."Add a Joke!</A></P>");
} // end main else statement ?>
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-- Brent Baisley Systems Architect Landover Associates, Inc. Search & Advisory Services for Advanced Technology Environments p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
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