extra with the results to suit your needs, but as for just using asl($val) instead of addslashes($val), well why not just extend the PHP source to make asl() an actual alias to addslashes()?
Extending PHP to have "shorthand" functions? Was that irony? I hope so. Having such shorthand functions directly in PHP might bring us this:
$n = $_I['n']; $c = mc('localhost'); $d = msd('somedb', $c); $q = mq(spf('SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='%s', asl($n)), $d); while ($r = mfa($q)) vd($r); mfr(q);
Is that really what you want?
-- Bye, K <http://www.ailis.de/~k/> (FidoNet: 2:240/2188.18) [A735 47EC D87B 1F15 C1E9 53D3 AA03 6173 A723 E391] (Finger k@xxxxxxxx to get public key)
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