Hi John, Thanks for replying. /* I see where things are being matched, but how are they being replaced? What you really need here is preg_replace_callback(), probably. */ Most of the RegEx was written by a friend and I just added a bit to it (I am learning RegExs and still hav not gotten the hang of the basics really) There is quite a bit of code before I am doing the replaceing thats why I didnt write that part, i figured the top to be the problem...but heres the replaceing part that i am using: $content = str_replace($matches[$index][0],$value,$content); If you are interested in seeing the whole script, just scroll down. Thanks, Ryan <?php require "../settings.php"; $content = join("",file("test.tpl")); // check template.tpl path // these are the categories $categories=array("1","2","3","textlinks"); // This gets the tags and put it into matches[] foreach ($categories as $value) { $pattern = "/{".$value." ([0-9_]+)?}/"; // if (preg_match($pattern,$content) == 1) preg_match($pattern,$content,$matches[]); } //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($matches); //exit; $index=0; // Here we get make the sql statement and execute it foreach ($matches as $key =>$value){ preg_match("/\w+/",$value[0],$res); print_r($res); //print_r($value); //echo "</pre>"; ##exit; if($res[0] != "textlinks") { $query = "select client_id,category,gallery_url,description,thumb_name,has_thumb from t_members where category_number='".$res[0]."' limit ".$value[1]."\n"; //echo $query."<br><br>"; //exit; $value =""; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $client_id = $row[0]; $category = $row[1]; $gallery_url = $row[2]; $description = $row[3]; $thumb_name = $row[4]; $has_thumb = $row[5]; $value .= $client_id." ".$category." ".$gallery_url." ".$description." ".$thumb_name." ".$has_thumb."<br><br>\n\n "; } } else { // echo "in here"; $limit=explode("_",$value[1]); $query = "select gallery_url,description from t_members limit ".$limit[0].",".$limit[1]; $value =""; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $gallery_url = $row[0]; $description = $row[1]; $value .= "<a href='".$gallery_url."'>".$description."</a><br>\n\n"; } //echo $query; } //echo "<b>r".$matches[$index][0]."</b>"; $content = str_replace($matches[$index][0],$value,$content); $index++; } echo "<br>".$content; ?> -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php