Wouldn't just making the script get 2 time stamps be more efficient, since you
are creating the database calls anyways? Or am I over simplifying it?
// current time at start of script
$before = strtotime("now");
//All your DB stuff
// current time at end of script
$after = strtotime("now");
$timed = ($after - $before);
echo 'Time for script to execute: ' . $timed .' seconds';
Mike Tuller is quoted as saying on 10/28/2004 5:19 PM:
Ok, so here is what I have. Please check to see if there is a better
way. There are a lot of database calls to me.
Robert Sossomon, Business and Technology Application Technician
4-H Youth Development Department
200 Ricks Hall, Campus Box 7606
N.C. State University
Raleigh NC 27695-7606
Phone: 919/515-8474
Fax: 919/515-7812
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