Try this: And then to populate the list: <select name="ladder" id="select"> <option value="">select one</option> <?PHP for($x=0;$x<$aantal_ladders;$x++) { echo('<option value="'.$rijladders["$x"]["ladder_id"].'"'); echo('>'.$rijladders["$x"]["laddername"].'</option>'); } ?> </select> -----Original Message----- From: Garth Hapgood - Strickland [mailto:garth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: vrijdag 29 oktober 2004 12:36 To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: trying 2 pull data out table and populate a list box Thanx so much Reinhart It works fine now. Ok so i have my list populated now. IF I want to diplay "select one" at the top of the list box, not as an option, but just so that the user knows to select an item. How will I put that in the code? Greets Garth -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: