Hi, I wrote this to the list a little while back and have been working on it...i have come 95% of the way but for some reason cant work the other 5% out...can somebody help please? Basically I need to figure out the URL or a image from a relitive path...something like this: /blah.jpg // should return http://x.com/blah.jpg /imgs/blah.jpg // return http://x.com/imgs/ blah.jpg imgs/blah.jpg //return http://x.com/t1/t2/t3/imgs/blah.jpg ../imgs/blah.jpg // etc /../imgs/blah.jpg //etc http://some-site-blah.com/imgs/blah.jpg // return the same url running the below code will show you how far i have come and how only 2 examples are not working for some damn reason. ********************* code start ************** <?php $url='http://www.textx.com/t1/t2/t3/blah.html'; function ret_url($rel_path, $base = '') { $base_path = substr($base, 0, strpos($base, '/',7)); if(substr($rel_path,0,1)=='/' && !strpos($rel_path,'/../')) { return $base_path.$rel_path; } elseif(strpos($rel_path,'://') > 0) { return $rel_path; } else { return collapse(dirname($base).'/'.$rel_path); } return $rel_path; } /* this function removes the /../ parts */ function collapse($path) { while(strpos($path,'/../') !== false) {$p2 = ereg_replace('/([^/]*)/\.\./','/',$path); if($p2==$path) break; $path = $p2; } return $path; } $uris = array(); $uris[] = '/blah.jpg'; $uris[] ='/imgs/blah.jpg'; $uris[] ='imgs/blah.jpg'; $uris[] ='../imgs/blah.jpg'; $uris[] ='/../imgs/blah.jpg'; // ## not working ## $uris[] ='/../../imgs/blah.jpg'; // ## not working ## $uris[] ='http://some-site-blah.com/imgs/blah.jpg'; echo '<table border=1>'; foreach($uris as $uri) { echo '<tr><td>'.htmlspecialchars($uri).'</ td><td>'.htmlspecialchars(ret_url($uri,$url)).'</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; ?> ******************* code end *************** Thanks, Mag ===== ------ - The faulty interface lies between the chair and the keyboard. - Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster! - Smile, everyone loves a moron. :-) _______________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Express yourself with Y! Messenger! Free. Download now. http://messenger.yahoo.com -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php