Hi Guys, Is there any way of finding the current user logged on the remote system I have a perl script which gets the user name who is currently logged on a remote Windows Machine #LoggedOnUsers(server, userRef).pl use Win32::NetAdmin; use strict; use vars qw($server @users_list); if(@ARGV>0){ $server=$ARGV[0]; } else{ print "\n\nEnter a valid Hostname or IP Address : "; chomp($server=<STDIN>); } Win32::NetAdmin::LoggedOnUsers($server,\@users_list); foreach(@users_list) { print "\n$server -- $_"; } This one gets the users logged in on a remote Windows machine , Is there a similar way of finding / doing the same regardless of an OS, Can it be done through a Web Browser ???? Any Clues ?? --Nikhil.