Assuming that there is a carriage break(e.g. "\r\n" if windows, and I'm assuming the HTML file was written in windows, otherwise, just "\n" for Unix and "\n\r" for Mac, I believe).
$eolnString ="\r\n"; $searchString = "the_identifying_string"; $result="NOT FOUND";
$HTMLDumpArray = explode($eolnString, $myHTML); /* if $myHTML = "<HTML>\r\n\t<BODY>\r\n\t</BODY>\r\n</HTML>"; then $HTMLDumpArray is now $HTMLDumpArray[0] = "<HTML>"; $HTMLDumpArray[1] = "\t<BODY>"; $HTMLDumpArray[2] = "\t</BODY>"; $HTMLDumpArray[3] = "</HTML>"; */
foreach ($HTMLDumpArray as $HTMLLine)
if (stripos($HTMLLine, $searchString)!==FALSE)
//stripos returns the index number of where the $searchString was found OR returns FALSE
$result = $HTMLLine;
echo "RESULT ".$result;
try that and let me know if that works.
HTH, -Minuk
----- Original Message ----- From: "Nick Wilson" <nick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "php-general" <php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 3:45 AM
Subject: Finding one line in a Variable?
Hello all,
I have to find and put one line of an html file in a variable. I already have the entire html file stored in a variable like this:
$myHTML="<html><head>blah blah blah"; - Grabbed using cURL
The particular line I want will *always* contain the string "the_identifying_string"
So the line itself (the line i want to get into a var) would look like this:
<form method="post" action="blah.php" name="the_identifying_string" blah..>
How can I get that entire line?
many thanks, im sure your all bored of my regex woes heh.. but thanks, it's appreciated.. -- Nick W
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