Hi List,
My boss recently called PHP "good for hobbyists" but REAL sites have to be done with Microsoft technologies. He wants to use Sharepoint for a wiki type site because of versioning.
Can anyone point me to resources about versioning and inherent strengths and reliability of PHP?
Thanks. -dg
http://www.oracle.com/technology/pub/articles/hull_asp.html http://php.weblogs.com/php_vs_asp http://marty.anstey.ca/programming/php_asp.html
As far as 'hobbyists'...well, that's a lack of an educated opinion (or someone who is either a MS sheep, or locked in via MS licenses). My 'hobby' pays me quite well. Tell your boss to pay attention to some of the 'hobbyists' using php the next time he's surfing the web. Or maybe pay attention to .NET items such as this (out of the hundreds of items like this)...
-- John C. Nichel ÜberGeek KegWorks.com 716.856.9675 john@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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