Re: Re: Compiling a SOAP extension for PHP5 in MaxOSX Leopard

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BuildSmart skrev:
It has to do with the way you build PHP modules and mixing apple
source with genuine source.

Your best bet is to build PHP completely using apple's source and
enable shared the modules need/want., then after building you can
copy over the modules or create an installer if you know what your

If you're lucky enough to have a decent build environment and know
how to use it you can make the modules very stable.

A build environment is not one configured with users or booted from,
 it's sole purpose is to be used for building and should be the
lowest possible minor version of the OS (in your case 10.5.0).
Hi Dale,

Thanks for the swift reply!

I've tried using the php source from
as well. I've just adding "--enable-shared --enable-soap=shared
--enable-zlib=shared" to the Makefile, and used Apple's build script.
The results are the same.

I guess my build environment should be decent enough, it's the stock development libraries etc. from Apple.
Do you really think building on 10.5.2 (as opposed to 10.5.0) could 
create the NSLinkModule() error?
Best regards,

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