Is there any error message in php
Can you reproduce manually what you're trying to do
with PHP? I mean, connect and put that file.
Enable E_ALL in PHP and try again.
I'm copying PHP-GENERAL mailing list as this is not
related to PHP-INSTALL issues.
Henrique Pojda |
De: Tina [mailto:tina01w@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2008 14:33
Para: php-install@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Assunto: ftp_put cannot upload a file.Dear Sir/MadamI have the following code section and it returns else statement. A firefox web browser 1.0.1 is used on a suse linux php 5 and apache 2.---------------------------------------------------$uploadfile = ftp_put($ftpconnect, $destinationfile, $sourcefile, FTP_BINARY);
if ( $uploadfile ) {
echo "Uploaded file = $sourcefile to server name = $servername as file = $destinationfile.";
} else {
echo "Upload is failed to upload file = $sourcefile to server name = $servername.";
}---------------------------------------------------Would you let me know what causes this problem?Ms (Tina) Thieu Van Hung
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- Re: RES: ftp_put cannot upload a file.
- From: Shawn McKenzie
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- ftp_put cannot upload a file.
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- ftp_put cannot upload a file.
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