Hello, I am trying to get tidy for php working on my systems. 1.
Got latest libtidy (libraries) from cvs and compiled/installed
them (no issues) 2.
Got latest php tidy tidy-1.2 from PECL and compiled and
installed (no issues) 3.
Added the tidy extension in to /etc/php.d/tidy.ini
extension=tidy.so 4.
I restarted apache Here is the output of php –i and php -m commands: a. [root@132022-app5 /]# php -i | grep tidy /etc/php.d/tidy.ini, tidy tidy.default_config => no value => no value tidy-mark => FALSE b. [root@132022-app5 /]# php -m | grep tidy Tidy c. This is what I see in php info
Problem: When I run a script with tidy syntax in it I get this error: Fatal error: Class 'tidy' not found in /var/www/html/_autodesk.com/aliasdesign/releases/20071226192151/tidy.php
on line 16 Please help what I am missing? Thank You
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