Re: PHP v5.2.5 installation

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On Wed, 5 Dec 2007, Jesse Santana wrote:

To: Keith Roberts <keith@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Jesse Santana <jsantana@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re:  PHP v5.2.5 installation


Thank you for the '--with-readline' suggestion, I've just finished testing this and it works great! I'm working on moving this over to production now.

Jesse Santana
Project Lead - Enterprise Services Group
Information Technology Services
California State University, Long Beach
1250 Bellflower Blvd.
Long Beach, CA  90840
Office: (562)985-8511
Fax:     (562)985-8855
Pleased to be of help Jesse. Here are some links your 
students might find usefull.
I was searching around sourceforge yesterday for a decent 
free PHP debugger GUI for Linux. Found this little gem:
Documentation etc:


It supports local and remote PHP debugging, using either DBG or xdebug php extension modules, or Gubed.
I'm still trying to get it up and running. The tutorial 
looks quite helpfull, so do the other links to setting up 
PHP debugging with ProtoEditor.
I can't get on at all with the DGB extension. I found 
trustudio Eclipse plugin worked out of the box - it uses 
xdebug and is all setup for local PHP debugging. Only 
problem it uses version 3.0 of Eclipse. It crashed version 
3.1 of Eclipse. However not tested it yet on any of the 
latest versions of Eclipse. I might try and get ProtoEditor 
working with xdebug as a local debugger.

Also, for viewing info and man pages have you tried pinfo:

I can't stand info. There is no sane way to navigate and get around the docs with that. I stumbled across this neat little command-line man page viewer, that is included as part of Fedora 8. It's brilliant!

Pinfo - A lynx-style info and man reader

Pinfo is an info file viewer. It was created when the author, Przemek Borys, was very depressed trying to read gtk info entries using the standard tools.
Pinfo is similar in use to lynx [and you don't need X 
running to use it either]. It has similar key movements, and 
gives similar intuition. You just move across info nodes, 
and select links, follow them... Well, you know how it is 
when you view html with lynx. :) It supports as many colors 
as it could.
Pinfo also supports viewing of manual pages -- they're 
colorised like in the midnight commander's viewer, and 
additionaly they are hypertextualized (i.e. when pinfo 
encounters a reference of form manualname (n), then you can 
press enter there, and voila -- you're on the page for 
Keyboard and colors are fully configurable. Pinfo supports 
URL's embedded into info documents and man.
So instead of doing:

# man some-man-page


# info some-man-page-you-wish-you'd-never-visited

if you do:

# pinfo some-man-page

pinfo will locate it and display it in a lynx-like way.

Things like:

# pinfo grub

are a breeze. I might even be able to learn how GRUB works, now I can actually read the docs for it and find my way around!

Keith Roberts

In theory, theory and practice are the same;
in practice they are not.


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