Hi Rory,
Yes actually the php.ini file should always be taken from the windows directory, but i think you can also put it in a place that is in the PATH variable.
I use windows2K here and the ini file is in the WINNT folder.
Copuld you tell us if your mysql is worker with the command line client ?
Jerôme Kaluza
Service du Sang
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Rory M Larson <rlarson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
06/11/2007 14:48 |
> try to add a backslash at the end of your extension_dir config line in your php.ini like : C:\php\extensions\ and reload ur phpinfo script to see what's the result
> Jerôme Kaluza
Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried adding the backslash, restarting Apache, and reloading phpinfo on both machines. It doesn't seem to make a difference.
One more thing I've noticed is that there are two data items listed in phpinfo referring to php.ini. First there is the Configuration File (php.ini) Path, and then there is the Loaded Configuration File. I thought the php.ini file was supposed to be taken from the PHP root directory, which is C:\Program Files\PHP\ on my machines. But the Configuration File (php.ini) Path on both machines is listed as C:\Windows. In fact, there is a php.ini file there as well as in the PHP root directory. I've been updating that one too, though it still doesn't seem to make a difference. On the Vista machine, the Loaded Configuration File is C:\Windows\php.ini, but on the XP it is C:\Program Files\PHP\php.ini. This is another mystery to me.
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