Memory Issue

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I just upgraded a small web server to php 5.2.2 and apache to 2.2.4 on
a Win2K Pro box with MySQL 5. The only customization is loading MySQL
and MySQLi modules in PHP. Things had been working well enough under
PHP 4 and Apache 2.0, but I was wanting to upgrade to the latest and
greatest to toy with things and experiment.

However, I have noticed something that I think may be PHP's fault, but
i'm not sure. I'm seeing a memory leak in Apache. I was wondering if
there was something different about how PHP handled MySQLi result sets
or anything? I don't free_result() on all of my select statements
(this is very much an experimental site, though I'm trying to fix it
up).  I'm seeing considerably more memory usage under this setup than
before I did the upgrade.


Jeff Vandenberg

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