i'm compiled php-5.0.2 on os x 10.3.9 with zlib, apxs, lib-xml, gd
I have some failed tests in the make test procedure and among them
XML namespaces broken in libxml-based SAX interface
the fact is that in a php script, when i'm using a global variable in a
function, I get this
Notice: Undefined variable:
So i suppose it has something to do with libxml
any idea ?
here is the list of failed tests
Test for buffering in core functions with implicit flush off
Locale settings affecting float parsing [tests/lang/034.phpt]
Bug #29944 (function defined in switch crashes PHP)
Bug #22836 (returning references to NULL) [Zend/tests/bug22836.phpt]
Test 5: HTML Test [ext/dom/tests/dom005.phpt]
Bug #14293 (serialize() and __sleep())
Bug #20382 (strtotime ("Monday", $date) produces wrong result on DST
changeover) [ext/standard/tests/time/bug20382.phpt]
Bug #27719: mktime returns incorrect timestamp for dst days
Bug #27780 (strtotime(+1 xxx) returns a wrong date/time)
Bug #25666 (XML namespaces broken in libxml-based SAX interface)
Bug #26614 (CDATA sections skipped on line count)
XML parser test, default namespaces [ext/xml/tests/xml009.phpt]
XML parser test, attributes [ext/xml/tests/xml010.phpt]
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