Re: BREAKTHROUGH! - PhotoForum book project launched and is now rollong

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Thank you, Ô esteemed project manager
Please do not forget to add my name to the list

Guy Glorieux

Thank you,


Le dim. 9 mars 2025, à 17 h 48, Andrew Davidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxx> a écrit :
Esteemed friends and others,

The ball started rolling and instructions on how the preparation of the book of members' photographs is progressing take a look at the link shown below.

Please note that the address to send your contributions to is different than the "regular" address for gallery material. It is andpph@xxxxxxxxx

Hmmm ... I think there are grammatical errors above. Sorry. As mentioned in the gallery announcement at this time there are 14 members (listed below) participating. Additional participation is welcome. Discussion about this project is also welcome on the list or privately but disparate opinions (if any) will be sifted through a fine mesh colander and who knows what will remain.

 1 Yoram Gelman
 2 Hershel Mair
 3 Roy Miller
 4 Kostas Papakotas
 5 Thane Thurmond
 6 Belinda Peters
 7 Lea Murphy
 8 Andrew Davidhazy
 9 Jim Snarski
10 Rob Talbot
11 Pini Vollach
12 Mario Pires
13 Randy Little
14 Russell Baker
any more?

Andy, project manager!
also answers to: hey, you!

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