A few new photographs in PF Gallery on July 23, 2023

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The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated on July 23, 2023. 
Authors with work now on display at: http://people.rit.edu/andpph/gallery.html include:              

Yoram Gelman - Narcissus / Pine
Roy Miller - High Contrast Flowers
Rob Talbot - Digger
Jim Snarski - Nectar Collector
Andrew Davidhazy - Greasy frying pan
Lew Schwartz - Duck Harbor Road
Bob McCulloch - Beach Glow
Chris Strevens - Wind Turbine

To participate in this activity send your contributions early (suggestion: near 1000 pix in longest dimension and 200Kb in maximum size). 
If need be the staff will adjust them for exhibition. Please state GALLERY on mail subject line.

From:  Koola and the rest of the gallery staff

PSS: do you know of other persons who might be interested in subscribing to PhotoForum? See below:

For subscription, signoff and mail options instructions and password reminder visit https://lists.rit.edu/mailman/listinfo.mmcgi/photoforum

If that does not work contact Andrew Davidhazy at andpph@xxxxxxx

PF on Facebook at: PhotoForum on the Internet - https://www.facebook.com/groups/234442540144/

This week's fotofeature thumbnail attached: 

Attachment: talbot-888m.jpg
Description: talbot-888m.jpg

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